Christian In Bangladesh

Personal blog from Bangladesh

বাংলাদেশে আছি খ্রীষ্টিয়ান

Saturday 23 May 2009


This might not be the conventional spelling of what is possibly the best fruit in the world but it is worth sharing our blessings with others. God has certainly given us a fantastic treat.
One of my colleagues' daughters who goes to a boarding school is home on holidays. She invited me to come visit. When her mother asked what she was going to feed me, she replied 'Lichu' ['Li' as in list, 'ch' as in church and 'u' short and aspirated in a way I can't match to another English word.]

As we arrived, two colleagues and I, they were cleaning the seeds for next year's rice, and I got to help a bit. Then we were fed the lichu and tea. As we were about to continue our round to three other families from the school who live right there a wind blew up with the promise of rain.
We hurried home. As I savour the lichus and enjoy the relative cool of the evening we are still waiting for the promised rain.
Next come the mangoes...

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Family everywhere

I went to Greece to spend Easter with my family; my brother and my parents. It was a great time because we know we belong together. It was good to reconnect and spend time together,
When I came back home, it was definitely like coming back to family here in Bangladesh. There are so many great people who make up for not having any biological family nearby.
Tomorrow I am going to Dhaka for a WMPL Field Conference. That is much like family too. I look forward to spending a couple of days with other missionaries talking about what God is doing in various places, to be refreshed and to be encouraged to continue in the work God has given me here.