Christian In Bangladesh

Personal blog from Bangladesh

বাংলাদেশে আছি খ্রীষ্টিয়ান

Friday, 23 May 2008

Reasons why

His opening remark yesterday was, “If you raise the monthly fee, I can’t pay it.” My reply was, “That sounds like blackmail.” I calmed down after that and started to listen.

By some mistake the finance department had charged a fee this parent wasn’t supposed to pay – probably my mistake. I assured him the mistake would be corrected and he was greatly relieved. He then went on to tell me about how he no longer was able to buy meat or even eggs for his children, how he hadn’t been able to buy them any fruit this season and how – having taken an advance to pay the older brother’s school fees at a different school meant he wouldn’t get any money this month. The extra fee we had charged meant his advance wasn’t going to be paid back until next month.

As I listened I went through regret, shame and then joy. Regret and shame at my initial reaction and then joy; Here is a father, who has put all his money into the education of his children, whose wife endures living in a lean-to up against her brother’s brick house so that they can send their children to school. Now the oldest daughter has her tenth grade diploma, the oldest son is a star ninth grader in another private school and the youngest is possibly the best in grade 1 at LAMB School.

What a privilege and joy that we can be a part of helping this family by educating one of their children.

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